Chief Executive Officer of J.P. Morgan Private Bank Europe, Middle East and Africa
Pablo Garnica Alvarez-Alonso oversees activities across the EMEA Private Banking business as CEO of J.P. Morgan Private Bank in Europe, Middle East and Africa. He is a member of the Global Wealth Management Operating Committee, J.P. Morgan’s European Management Committee, and the Board of J.P. Morgan (Suisse) SA and is CEO of J.P. Morgan International Bank Limited.
He joined J.P. Morgan Private Bank in 1996 after several years at Banesto. There he served Latin American private clients and family businesses around the world as head of Banesto’s Miami office and as Senior Vice President of all Latin American business for the bank.
Prior to his current role, Garnica was head of J.P. Morgan’s Private Banking business in Spain and Portugal.
He holds a degree in Economics and Business from CUNEF.
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